Sunday, August 29, 2010


10:01:        Ambitious Boy Wonder Interview with Don & Peggy “Did I tell you I know Roger?”
10:02:        “Aspiration is as good as Perspiration” Don wants to beat you senseless Ambitious Boy Wonder!  
10:03:        Boy Wonder asks Mrs. Blankenship where to eat. “I don’t work for you!” Classic Mrs. B.
                   Don to Peggy, “Are we on Candid Camera?”
10:04:        “There’s no way he’s 24. I’m 25!” Yes Peggy, but honey you dress like your 55.
10:05:        Don’s nominated for a CLIO and Peggy’s underhandedly pissed since the ad was her baby. (Peggy stop giving your babies away.)
10:06:        Roger dictates his memoirs, “Charlie Chaplin was very lonely. Hardy was so mean to Laurel. Did I talk about silent films yet?” Is it titled “Death of an Ad Man” Roger! I WANT AN ADVANCED COPY!!!
Roger wants to know when his guy, Ambitious Boy Wonder, (a relative) starts. Don assures him, “The first of never!”
10:07:        Flashback to post-Dick neo-Don. Neo-Don sells furs and is almost giddy in his eagerness to please Roger.
                   Roger drapes a mink on his shoulders! Neo-Don Drapers his ambition on his sleeve.
10:08:        Neo-Don wants to work for Sterling Roger.
10:09:        Va-va-va-voom young ambitious Joanie! Neo-Don’s coloring book portfolio in the box, mink on the floor, Play-doh in Noah’s Ark.
10:10:        Joanie has the key to the mini-bar. Don: “Make mine simple but significant.” (I’m using that line the next time I belly up to a bar! I’ll either get a bourbon neat or thrown out by the bouncer.)
10:11:        Dippy new art director, Stan Rizzo, reeling chicks in with the KKK. “Why is it so hard for you to accept that man’s natural state is nude?”
                   Peggy: “Have you been yelled at by Don yet?” Great comeback Pegster!
10:12:        CLIO’s at the Waldorf.
                   Ted Chaough “Well, if it isn’t Pebbles & Bam Bam.” Love the cultural shout-outs, but who’s Pebbles—Don or Roger?
                   And thank you Roger for clarifying the spelling of Ted “Chaough” for all of us reviewers!
                   But Ted’s with (according to Roger) General Rufus T. Bullshit. But could Rufus possibly have known the real Don Draper???? This could signal a SNAFU for Dick-Don.
10:13:        Pete’s puss when he sees Cosgrove & Birdseye approaching. Joan counsels it’s better to get flies with honey. Pete “Oh great, actual flies!”
10:14:        Birdseye lets the cat out of the bag about Cosgrove moving to SCDP.
10:15:        “Judas Priest! Are we merging?” Another classic Pete-icism. This is right up there with “Christ on a cracker.”
                   Love how Don cuts Pete off, “Don’t talk to me!”
                   DUCK DRUNK!!!! HI DUCK! Did he just get escorted out?
10:16:        Pencils in the ceiling, Peggy in a pissy mood—Joan goes to the CLIOS but Peggy left out. “Don thought I was clapping for him.” “Who claps for themselves?” asks smug Stan.
10:17:        Award for Best Cleansers, Waxes, and Polishes: GLOW COAT. (Notice the ménage et trios hand holding between Don & Joan and Roger & Joan. Hmmm…)
                   Pete rips CLIO out of Don’s hand. LIFE CEREAL meeting—Donny likes it!
10:18:        Commercial Break: Fun Facts!
10:21:        Don—a CLIO in the hand is worth a bushel of drunken clients in the conference room.
10:22:        Roger’s inebriated victory run around the conference table!
10:23:        Don presents a….drunken mess. Who is this Don so giddy & confident that he just throws out slogans like he’s pitching baseballs.
10:24:        He swings and… “LIFE. The Cure for the Common Breakfast”…home run…the client’s like it, but uh-oh Don, that’s not your slogan to give away! I believe it was Ambitious Boy Wonder’s back at 10:01.
10:25:        Triumphant Don “Roger, I’m done. Let’s go!” But not before Don orders Peggy to lock herself and the creepy art director into a hotel room for inspiration on vapo-rub and cough drops.
10:26:        Cosgrove’s Return: “Approval Denied” by Partner Pete. (I can see the great set-up here!)
10:27:        Lane declares to Pete, “Roger Sterling’s a child!” (How dare you, you prig! What do you know anyway? You didn’t have a clue who Red Skelton was!) And Pete, you’re the child if you believe him.
10:28:        Lane redeems himself when he scolds Pete, “I’m lunching with Cosgrove on Monday. If you’re tantrums have subsided you’re welcome to join us.” Classic!
10:29:        Menage et trios at the bar—Don, Joan, & Roger. Don’s slurring!
10:30:        Faye doesn’t want to play doctor with Don.
10:31:        Commercial Break: Oh, here we go! The Mad Men-like commercials. Oh, I saw this one before—Breyer’s Ice Cream. I hate it more the second time around!
10:34:        Playboy, Sleazebag Stan, and Peggy
10:35:        Peggy calls a bluff, takes it off, and calls the game “You chickenshit!”
10:36:        Peggy bears it all.
10:37:        Joan to Roger, “You crossed the border from lubricated to morose.” Can’t anyone give Roger a break tonight?
10:38:        Flashback: Neo-Don stalking Sterling.
10:39:        “I’d do anything to buy you a drink.” Roger jumps at the offer to go drinking at 10am! Neo-Don just bought himself a drink and a job!
10:40:        Peggy’s on top. Her challenge gets a rise out of Stan.
10:41:        “You win the prize for the smuggest bitch in the world!” Bye-Bye nudie Stan man!
10:42:        Commercial Break: Fun Facts!
10:45:        Cleansers, Waxes & Polishes winner in bed with Jingle winner, who get’s Don to raise his flag with her hummer rendition of “The Star Spangled Banner.”
10:46:        BETTY! Yay! And she’s pissed at Don! “Why would it matter to you that Henry & I had an important brunch to go to! And I can’t get Carla, she’s at church!” Poor Carla! She can’t even pray in peace.
10:47:        Wait, who’s this blond in bed with Don? Didn’t he fall asleep with a brunette? Wait that was Friday night and this is Sunday…Uh-oh—Weiner set-up: Don’s lost weekend. I have a feeling this is relevant!
10:48:        And I’m right. Didn’t Doris just call Don a Dick? What did he say to her in his drunken glee spree? And Dick in a Diner?
10:49:        The Breakfast of Champions: Canadian Club!
10:50:        Peggy tells Don he lifted the Life slogan from Roger’s Ambitious Boy Wonder.
10:51:        Peggy demands Don meet with ABW & fix it since she’s just spent the weekend locked in a hotel with a pig. (Don’s on overload.)
10:52:        Commercial Break
10:55:        Pete’s tantrum is not quite over. He wants to meet Cosgrove in the conference room.
10:56:        Don lost his CLIO! Tells Mrs. B: “Call Pen & Pencil and see if someone found my award.”
                   Mrs. B: “What’s the category?”
                   Don: “Best Actress.” Classic!
10:57:        Don bribes Ambitious Boy Wonder for his LIFE Cereal idea, but ABW draws line in the sand—he wants a job.
10:58:        Pete puts on his partner pants with Cosgrove. Look in Cosgrove’s eyes, “Game on Pete.” This is going to get good—I expect some classic Cosgrove-infused Pete tantrums.
10:59:        Don tells ABW “Go Away” after ABW forces Don to hire him. Scenes of Ambitious Neo-Don?
                   Roger to microphone, “I always liked chocolate, but my mother always gave me vanilla because it didn’t stain.”
                   Roger has Don’s CLIO which can only mean one thing—Don was drunker than Roger????
11:00:        Flashback: Don shows up to work reminding Roger he hired him when they went out for drinks. Roger has no memory. Sly Neo-Don—doing whatever it takes to work at the agency. Maybe Ambitious Boy Wonder might turn into the next Don Draper? Nah, but he’d add to the great comic relief the show is displaying this season!

Until next week kids, have a Mad Week!

Monday, August 23, 2010


Okay kids, it’s time for another mad minute-by-minute Mad Men Recap of last night’s episode “The Chrysanthemum & The Sword” also known as “Shame, Blame and Gain,” or “Roger takes no Jap-Crap.”

10:01:        What’s a 14-letter word for Don’s new secretary? MRS. BLANKENSHIP! (Dig that she does the NYT’s crossword puzzle in pen. Did you check out that snap on/flip up magnifying windshield attached to her tortoise shells?)

10:02:        Carol of the Bells in Don’s office as Mrs. B can’t figure out phone system. Love Mrs. B’s retort to frustrated Don: “You’re always asleep in here!” Mrs. B’s classic Carol Burnett as Mrs. Wiggins intercom interruption while Don on phone with NYT “YOU HAVE A PARTNER’S LUNCHEON.”

10:03:        More words that will never come out of my mouth spoken by Pete, “A Deerfield chum of mine wrote me up in the Asia Society…and wallah HONDA.”

10:04:        Clash of the generations aka Release the Roger’s War Krackin “Let me spare you the agony and the ecstasy-No Jap Crap.”
10:05:        Pete read “The Chrysanthemum & the Sword” and understands all things Japanese.  
10:06:        The babysitter, Harper Lee, brought a doctor kit???!!! WTF?  Saucy Sally! Topcat! A T.V. tray! “Are you and daddy doing it?” Subtext: “It makes sense b/c Mommy was babysitting Glenn and they were doing it…” Sally explains it all to the babysitter.
 10:07:       To Kill a Hairdo: Sally’s in deep shit now. Let the rebellion begin!
10:08:        Benihana with Betty Jr. “3 dates in 5 months think I don’t know why?” B/c Don’s not always a Dick. Enter bug-eyed Tom Delay, I mean, Ted Chaugh, the competition. (BTW, notice that all the men have great hair? Is balding an ‘80’s phenomenon?)

10:09:        “He’s some fly I keep swatting away.”

10:10:        “Do you know the RIVER of shit I’m going to get from her mother? Here, consider this severance.” (Read: “I’m through playing doctor with you sweetheart!”)

10:11:        Betty crotch napping in screwdriver-hued living room. All that room needs is ice and I’m tipsy! Time to get up to slap and shame Sally—You have PICTURE DAY! FORGET YOUR SLEEP OVER (Please Sally forget that sleepover!)
10:12:        Betty: “It’s like I’m leaving them with nobody!”  Don: “Because you’re so good with them!” Henry, the Good Parent, the only adult present, the mediator.
10:13:        Classic passive/aggressive Betty “God knows who he had watching them—another secretary? A WHORE?”

10:14:        Confused Pete running out with a pot of Chrysanthemums. Deerfield taught him how to be a complete ass, but it certainly didn’t teach him reading comprehension—you read the book and now find out Chrysanthemums mean death? “So much conflicting information!”

10:15:        SUBTITLES! I feel like I’m watching the ABC 4:30 afternoon movie during Japanese Monster Week--Mothra vs. Godzilla, or Roger vs. Honda minus the tiny twin Japanese singers, the Shobijin.
                   Even Joan’s breasts are in the subtitles! East meets West’s Breasts!

10:16:        “I’ll trade your Johnny Walker for my Cantaloupe.” Pete, a boxed cantaloupe? And you must be real fun Christmas morning blabbing what’s in every wrapped box.

10:17:        Enter pissed-off Roger. A Sterling Sayonara to Honda—“No Jap Crap!”

10:18:        White men can’t bow.

10:19:        Pete’s panties in a bind as he rages at Roger “Christ on a cracker!” (Punch him Roger!)  Christ on a cracker????

10:20:        Commercial Break: Clorox has great commercials!

10:22:        Sally eyeing the Man from U.N.C.L.E. What girl (and future hairdresser) didn’t?

10:23:        Uh-Oh enter slumber party host mom “Oh no you dih-ent!”

10:24:        Creepy Betty sex interrupted by “Sally was playing with herself.” Words every mother longs to hear! (Note: Henry’s rocking some rocking biceps!)
10:25:        Betty’s Guide to Effective Mothering “I’ll cut your fingers off!”

10:26:        Betty’s mortified that people will find out. Somehow, I still think her bagging Glenn trumps Sally. Sally’s headed to a shrinky-dink.
10:27:        Betty’s Big Reveal! “Henry, I saw a shrink. Let’s just say I was bored and leave it at that.” I’m bored my boss tells me to get to work.

10:28:        Pete “This is a Margaret Dumont sized disaster!” Roger’s big-breasted pearl-wearing Margaret Dumont? I love it – who’s Groucho? Don? He’s got the “grouch” part down. Don as Groucho to Roger’s Margaret Dumont “I can see you drinking at the bar. Funny, I can’t see the bar.”

10:29:        Roger’s act of contrition is rescinded when he discovers they got no Jap crap. (No gifts? No apology!) Pete’s retort “I’m expecting a child!” (No, you are a child!)

10:30:        Don devises a dubious plan to get Chaugh to fall on the sword.

10:31:        Commercial Break: Christ on a cracker! Another Mad Men-styled commercial. I now officially hate Klondike Bars!
                   Also add Chase Sapphire to the list of sponsors I will never support. America is unemployed and starving and we have to suffer through these bloated idiots flying first class with Chevy Chase? The token African-American couple makes me feel all warm and fuzzy about Chase.
10:35:        Scenes from a bad marriage. Betty: “Sally was masturbating in front of a friend!”      Don: “Boy or girl?”

10:36:        Betty: “She understands a lot of things thanks to you!”  Nice use of the “My sick sexual act-outs are okay because I’m married!” card.

10:37:        THE PERPETUAL DRINKING BIRD! Apropos since everyone at SCDP is a perpetual drinker as noted minutes later by Dr. Faye: “I don’t know how you people drink around here like you do!” Because they’re all really thermodynamic plasticine birds bobbing their beaks in bourbon.

10:38:        Don’s kamikaze plan—bankrupt Chaugh with smoke, mirrors and a little red Honda.

10:39:        Don wheeling a red Honda in the office???!!! Let the scheme begin!

10:40:        “Give me 20 different words for pimples!” Go Tom Delay; I mean Ted Chaugh! Way to boost office morale!

10:41:        Peggy on the red Honda doing donuts on an empty white set. Very Wharholian.

10:42:        Commercial Break: YAY! Fun Facts!

10:45:        Dr. Faye Sake-less. (See Perpetual Drinking Bird reference at 10:37)
10:46:        “Why does everyone need to talk to everyone about everything?” says Don as he spills to Dr. Faye.

10:47:        “This is just a stop sign,” says Dr. Faye about her wedding ring. She’ll be in psychoanalysis before the decade ends.

10:48:        I (heart) the way Don hisses “Ex-wife.”

10:49:        Dr. Edna who looks like Joan in 30 years. Edna interested in Betty’s psyche. “My brother bought a nudist magazine and my mother nailed it to his bedroom door.”
10:50:        “Sally’s punishing me!” All about Betty.

10:51:        Betty books Sally 4 days a week with the shrink. Don’t worry Sally HELP’S on the way—the Beatles are coming to Shea in August!

10:52:        Betty’s creepy gaze at dollhouse with the family of dolls perfectly poised on the patio furniture.

10:53:        Commercial Break: Christ on a cracker, already? We just had a commercial break. Wait—it’s GEICO. I really (heart) them—they did just save me 50% in car insurance!

10:56:        Don drops the A bomb on Honda—the Arrogant bomb. Read: “Here’s a personal check for $3000 from one dishonorable bastard to another! We both didn’t play by your own rules, but I’m Don Draper and you’re not.” Love the subtitle “Where’s the white hair?”

10:57:        Roger loose-lipped, loose-tied, tying one on in his post-modern office.

10:58:        “Since when is forgiveness a better quality than loyalty?” Go Roger!

10:59:        Classic Mrs. B “YOUR DAUGHTER’S PSYCHIATRIST CALLED!” Eye-rolling Don “Lower your voice! Please…

11:00:        Don was the most charming princess? And Lane you bold bastard—you let Don? You don’t know that Don’s a Dick.
                   Quote of the night: “It’s a motorcycle with doors, but it has windows so you can see your brains splatter against it when it smashes.”

11:01:        Betty can’t even bring Sally to her first appointment with Dr. Edna—Carla has to do it? That one session probably costs more than Carla makes in a month!
                   Stay tuned for another Mad Men Recap next week! Until then, nail a nudist magazine to your bedroom door! And try to score a crotch nap. It’s very refreshing.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Okay kids, put your seat belts on. It’s time for another minute-by-minute recap of last night’s episode, “The Rejected,” also known as Pete Spawns, Experimental Peggy, and Don’s Dirty Laundry is Hanging Him. FYI this episode was directed by Roger!!!!

10:01: Roger’s Back! Don’s chain-smoking.

10:02:  Don: “Why is this bottle empty?” Secretary: “Because you drank it!” Enter Peggy and Dr. Miller. Don: “Did you bring ice?”

10:03: Petulant Pete tantrums that he’s not in on Lucky Strike call. Roger tells Pete Clearasil’s out and advises “Throw yourself on the grenade.” Am I on the wrong channel? Is this The Jersey Shore? (“I took the grenade so Pauley could have the pretty one???”)

10:04:  Roger calls a false fire alarm to get client off phone. “Look, Radio City’s burning!” I want to work with Roger!

10:05: Roger to Don’s secretary: “Write everything down. Wait, strike that we’re overbilling Lucky Strike.”

10:06: (That column in Pete’s office is like the Dating Game—you never know who’s on the other side.) Oh, look, Harry Crane’s eating at Pete’s desk reading the NYT wedding section. Pete: “Puerto Rican Girls buy brassieres!” Lunch with Cosgrove—tag-a-long Pete!

10:07: Life, lesbians, Peggy & Porn. Where’s Sal???? Nobody could do lesbian like Sal. I miss Sal!!!(And is it me or does Joyce look like she could be the twin sister of Otter from Animal House?)

10:08: Pete meets FIL (father-in-law) for Dewar’s lunch. His High Wasp flag is flying.

10:09: FIL drops the bomb on Pete before Pete can drop the bomb on FIL. Pete’s spawning—the birth of the Young Regan Republicans. And I love FIL’s callous afterthought about his wife, “Jeannie had her uterus removed. Some kind of cyst or something.” (Or was it an illegal abortion???)

10:10: Baby’s out of the bag and Clearasil is off the table.

10:11: Trudy to Pete: “How do you know how this feels?” Go Trudy! (BTW, is it me or is it painful to watch Pete kiss Trudy—so awkward. Which makes me wonder if the baby is really Pete’s????)

10:12: Trudy saves the day again, “I’ll tell my father Clearasil is out over Yankee Pot Roast.”

10:13:  Despite her attempts to be coolly independent, Don smirks as he watches Peggy trying on Dr. Faye’s (with the “e” or without the “e”?) engagement ring while they’re supposed to be observing the focus group.

10:14: Dr. Fay with the “e” tries to be one of the girls.

10:15: LINE OF THE NIGHT: Freddie to Don: “Your financial future is in the hands of a roomful of 22-year-old girls.” Don: “Not mine!” Everything but Don’s financial future has been in the hands of 22-year-old girls!

Commercial Break with cool fun facts about advertising. I like those fun facts.

10:19: Dottie: “Me and my boyfriend stayed up late and we were playing house.” Euphemism for sex?????

10:20: Don squirming uncomfortably in chair when his secretary starts to talk and cry.

10:21: Roger’s sloppy, dammit!

10:22: Lane gets lost around Pete’s column—should I drive on the left or the right hand side? These bloody Americans and their columns! He tells Pete that since he’s giving FIL a grandchild that should take the sting out of things. But Lane, what will take the stick out of your butt? I like plastered prostitute Lane from last week! YEEHAW!

10:23: Cryfest in conference room. Oh, and there goes Don’s secretary bolting out of the room. Don’t upset Don! Look what happened to Betty—she married a corpse in Reno!

10:24: Spurned & burned secretary Allison assumes Peggy slept with Don. “He’s a drunk and they get away with murder because they forget everything!”

10:25: Pissed-off Peggy: “Your problem is not my problem.” Subtext “I had Pete’s baby and Don helped me bury the body!”

10:26: Commercial Break—time for a Dewar’s!

10:30: Lunch with Cosgrove. Did Pete just say “Mea Culpa?”

10:31: Pete: “Trudy is with child.” What???? But I love Cosgrove’s reply, “Another Campbell? That’s just what the world needs.” (BTW, fast forward to 1983 when I went to the senior prom with Campbell’s kid. I’m not kidding!)

10:32: Power shift as Pete realizes Cosgrove not as carefree as last year. He’s trying to turn Mountain Dew into Pepsi. Pete’s trying to turn zit cream into cold medicine. But I love when Pete says, “I’m floating laterally.” I feel the same way Pete!

10:33:  EPISODE’S BITCH SLAP MOMENT—Ken “You’re all slaves to Draper. I’d rather be a slave to creative than slave to an old fart.” What???? What did you and your perfect hair just say about Don????? His old fart would rip you into the 21st century! And Don didn’t let an unlicensed secretary ride a tractor around the office that decapitated someone’s foot!

10:34: Don’s secretary quits. “You’re not a good person!”  “Write your own letter of recommendation and I’ll sign it. You’ve been sparkling in your duties.” Oh Don, big mistake! These 1965 22-year-olds are a lot different than those 1960 22-year-olds. These women have read Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique.


10:36: Don to Joan: “I’m going to need a new secretary, and this cleaned up.” What cleaned up? Your life? Joan fixes while Don mixes…another drink. Don despises office drama!

CLASSIC PEGGY MOMENT: Did you see her head in Don’s transom spying on him and his secretary???? I love it!!!! Especially her desk dive when Don turned her way!

10:37: Peggy invited by new “friend” Joyce to a “I don’t know what to call it,” downtown.

10:38: Commercial: Okay, here we go again with the Mad Men Sterling Cooper spin-off commercials. This week it’s Suave. Notice the not-so-subtle references to blindly sleeping with women? Is Suave veiling their sexism by setting their commercials in the ‘60’s? Note to AdMen: Makes me really hate Suave.

10:41: WORDS THAT WILL NEVER COME OUT OF MY MOUTH: “I’ll show mother the maid’s room.”

10:42: Pete grows a pair and tells FIL “I want it all! Vicks 44, vapo-rub…Trudy, do we have any ice?” (What is it with the ice tonight?) FIL’s reply, “You son-of-a-bitch.” Pete shrugs it off—his spawn has leverage.

10:43: Afterhours Don drinking in office—lights off, hat’s on. Don at home looking very Frank Sinatra “In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning.” What’s he doing at the typewriter? An apology??? An apology? Don doesn’t apologize! Whew! He crumpled it up. I thought we lost you for a moment, Don.

10:44: Downtown Peggy in her Warhol stripes. “You look swelegant!” Reminiscent of Don in his Season One rendezvous downtown. Is Peggy the female Don?

10:45: Peggy! There’s a bear coming at you with a beer! “I’d like a beer.” Imagine all the hours of acting school just to get a walk-on wearing a Bear’s head. How do you put that on a resume?

10:46:  “It’s easier to get high than get a beer.” See Peggy take her first toke.

10:47: WAS THAT A STEALTH GIRL-ON-GIRL KISS? My opinion--it has to be manlier than getting kissed by Pete. Peggy: “I have a boyfriend.” Joyce: “He doesn’t own your vagina!” Peggy, “No, but he’s renting it.” Funny Peggy! (And did they just say va-jay-jay on TV?)

10:48: BEST NON-SEQUITUR: “I’m Catholic!” I feel your pain Peggy. Me too. And oddly enough, blurting out that non-sequitur has worked for me from everything from I can’t date you to I can’t stop drinking.

10:49: “Art in advertising? Why would anyone do that after Warhol?”  BEAT IT! IT’S A RAID! Peggy hiding high in the closet making out with writer boy. Joyce to the rescue! Hey, was that a UPS truck turning the corner in SOHO?

10:50: Commercial—top off Dewar’s.

10:53: Mrs. Blankenship is Dame Edna meets Bea Arthur. Ooh—Joan’s way of punishing Dick. I mean Don.

10:54: Roger to the Rescue: “What did you do to get her out of mothballs?”

10:55:  Pete “I turned chicken shit into chicken salad.” Feeling mighty cocky now that everyone knows his cock crows!
“Contribution for the Campbells?” “No, I’ll just sign the card and pretend I paid.” (Oh, how I miss those office collections!) Peggy sees stork card “Trudy’s Pregnant?” Here comes the “I refuse to cry” look perfected in acting school.  I love the headbanging on the desk.

10:56: Peggy: “Congratulations.” Pete: “Yes, a 6 million dollar account is great.” Peggy: “No, the baby.” Pete: “Oh, I guess that is news.” Pete you dickhead.

10:57: “Dr. Miller’s here to see you. It’s a she.” I LOVE THIS NEW SECRETARY!

10:58: DON’s PHILOSPOHIC MOMENT: “You can’t tell how people will behave based on how they have behaved.” Really Don?

10:59: Did Don just say “Blah, blah, blah…?” OMG! WTF?

11:00: Through the looking glass—Peggy and her new cool friends, Pete with the suits. Prolonged, pregnant stare. Oh Peggy, really????

11:01: Don in his hallway with old man repeatedly asking his wife, “Did you get pears? Did you get pears?” OMG that’s me and my husband in 30 years!!!! I have to look into the past to look into my future???? Don, don’t just close your door—LOCK IT!

Until next week, kids, stay swell!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Okay Kids, it's time for a minute by minute recap of last night's Mad Men. To sum it up, it was "Mad Men & the Three Bad Marriages."


Don: My marriage is over. Prostitute, anyone?

Lane: The bloody florist fucked up my marriage! Ooh, an American whore who looks like Peggy? I'll take one of those!

Joan: I want to have the baby of the man who cracked a vase over my head last season. By the way, I've had two procedures, but he's the only man I've slept with.

Guest starring:

Dick: Dick needs no introduction. Every woman knows Dick.Anna: Don/Dick's prosthetic wife.

Hippie Chick from Berkely Don wants to screw, until his Dick gets in the way.


10:01: "I've had a few procedures." Que Sera, Sera.

10:04: Don's secretary didn't resign!

10:05: Joan: "Lane, breast or thigh? Oh, and I'd like a day off to screw my doctor husband before the show has him off'd in Vietnam." Lane: "Screw you! No day off to screw him. Fried chicken, indeed!" Lane, you smug English prig!

10:06: California Dreaming! Or is Don really a Dick?

10:07: Bikini hippie chick girl from Berkely! "Hello Dick."

10:08: See Dick ogle Berkely bikini babe.

10:09: "Trust a Dick who works in advertising."

10:10: "I don't file papers anymore. I hire people to do that now."

10:11: Dick slams Jan & Dean.

10:12: CREEPY BREYERS COMMERCIAL: OK, OK, we get the Mad Men connection, but still really creepy. Makes me want to buy Good Humor.

10:13: Smoking, dancing Dick.

10:15: "Can't I just be single?" All Dicks are single. That's why they're Dick's.

10:18: Hippie chick drops the "C" word--CANCER.

10:19: Dick needs a pity fling with a pretty young thing.

10:20: Wait, no, Dick's pissed.

10:21: Wait a minute! Is Dick going to cry???!!!!

10:22: Phew, quick camera move to the left and Dick's face is saved.

10:23: See limp Dick sad on sofa.

10:24: See Dick paint in his boxer shorts.

10:25: See Dick smoke a doobie.

10:26: "You just can't keep your pants on, can you?" (No, that's why he's a Dick!)

10:27: See Dick cut down mean old sister with hot hippie chick daughter.

10:28: "You're just a man in the room with a checkbook!" (Um, I'll take one of those, please. Pretty please?)



10:31: "Anna, I...I...I have to go." (Phew!)

10:32: See Dick try not to cry.

10:33: Pencils in the tile ceiling!!! Top Ten Office Olympic Sport.

10:34: RFF: Royal Florist F-up. There goes Lane's marriage. "Every rose has a prick, and this time it isn't Dick." (blogger's original composition.)

10:35: See Dick's vein pop as he tries not to cry as he leaves Anna.

10:36: California Dick makes me gag.

10:37: Joanie's hubby gets laid Hawaiian Style.

10:38: Blood orange juice or is Joan a cutter?

10:40: This episode is way too heavy. Where in the hell is Roger????

10:41: Back in the office. Dick doesn't like a scotch that bites.

10:43: Dick is a Don now. Getting office drunk with Lane.

10:44: How much scotch was in that bottle?

10:46: "Let's go to the movies! It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World; Umbrellas of Cherbourg; Japanese Monster Movie..."

10:48: Hand jobs!!! Did someone just say Hand jobs????

10:49: Lane talks smack about his wife.

10:50: Lane asks Don for relationship advice???? Don's advice: "My lady friend has a lady friend."

10:51: Lane's turned into (a) Dick when he puts a little meat on his bone. "Yee Haw!"

10:52: Lenny Bruce "They're not queers, they're rich."

10:53: Lane's prostitute date looks eerily like Peggy in a bouffant. Interesting...

10:54: Don doing it on the couch? How out of the box. He should be slapped for that.

10:55: This scene's too long. YAWN!

10:57: Penny Lane pays $25 for the Peggy Prostitute--here, take $30. "HEY BIG SPENDER!"

10:59: Don rips Lane's bridal sheets off the bed and collapses. Dick had a hard night.

11:00: Roger's Back!!!! Roger, don't just sit there in the conference room! Say something dammit! I missed you! Were you on a bender? Next time take me with you!

11:01: 1965!!!! It's going to be a great year-- say goodbye to the Boomers and hello to the hipsters. Oh, by the way--I was born!!!!

Tune in next week for another minute-by-minute recap of Mad Men.


Sparkling Gin Punch
  • 20 oranges, juiced
  • 12 lemons, juiced
  • 2 quarts gin
  • 4 jiggers grenadine
  • 6 dashes orange bitters
  • 2 quarts chilled soda water
  • ice for chilling

Combine the orange juice, lemon juice, gin, grenadine, and orange bitters in a large punch bowl. Add a large ice block to chill. Just before you are ready to serve, add a large ice block to chill and pour in 2 quarts of chilled soda water.

Whiskey Sour
  • Ingredients
  • 2oz whiskey
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1/2 tsp powdered sugar
  • 1 cherry
  • 1 orange slice
In a shaker mix whiskey, lemon juice, and powdered sugar with ice and strain into a whiskey sour glass. Decorate with the slice of orange, top with the cherry, and serve.

Classic Martini

  • 2oz of gin
  • splash of vermouth
  • olives
  • Chilled glasses

In a shaker mix gin and vermouth with a lot of ice. Strain into chilled glasses and add olives.

Tom Collins

  • 2oz gin
  • 1oz lemon juice
  • 1tsp sugar
  • 3oz club soda
  • 1 cherry
  • 1 orange slice

In a shaker filled with ice mix gin, lemon juice and sugar. Shake and strain into tall glasses filled with ice. Add club soda, stir and add cherry and orange slice.

Bloody Mary

  • 1oz vodka
  • 3oz tomato juice
  • 1 dash Worcestershire
  • Pinch of horseradish 
  • Splash of lemon juice
  • Pinch of pepper
  • Celery Stalk

In a shaker filled with ice mix all ingredients. Pour into glasses filled with ice. Add celery stalk.

Brandy Alexander

  • 1/2oz brandy
  • 2oz cream
  • 1/2oz creme de cacao
  • Dash of nutmeg

In a shaker filled with ice, mix all ingredients except nutmeg. Strain into glass and add nutmeg.


  • 1.5oz gin
  • 3/4oz vermouth
  • Cocktail onions

Stir gin and vermouth in a glass filled with ice. Strain into a cocktail class and add onions.


  • 2oz whiskey
  • 1/2oz dry vermouth
  • 1/2oz sweet vermouth
  • Dash of bitters
  • Cherries

Mix all ingredients in a shaker filled with ice. Strain into a glass with ice. Add cherries.


  • 1.5oz of vodka
  • 6oz of orange juice
  • Orange slices

Mix vodka and orange juice and pour into a tall glass filled with ice. Add orange slices.

Pink Squirrel

  • 3/4oz creme de Noyaux
  • 3/4oz creme de cacao
  • 1.5oz heavy cream

Mix all ingredients in a shaker filled with ice. Strain into chilled glasses.

Gin and Tonic

  • 2oz gin
  • 5oz tonic water
  • Lime slice

Pour gin and tonic over ice in a cocktail glass. Stir and add lime.

Grasshopper Recipe

  • 1oz creme de menthe
  • 1oz creme de cacao
  • 1oz heavy cream

Mix all ingredients into a shaker filled with ice. Strain into cocktail class. 

Rob Roy

  • 1.5oz scotch
  • 1/4oz sweet vermouth
  • Dash of bitters
  • Cherries

Pour ingredients into glass filled with ice and stir. Strain into a cocktail glass and add cherries. 

Sloe Gin Fizz

  • 2oz sloe gin
  • 1/2oz lemon juice
  • 1tsp sugar
  • Club soda

Mix all ingredients into a shaker filled with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and fizz about an inch from the top of glass. Splash more club soda if you want more foam.

Cape Codder

  • 2oz vodka
  • 3oz cranberry juice
  • 1/2oz lime juice
  • Club soda

Pour vodka and cranberry juice into a cocktail glass filled with ice. Add club soda and stir. Garnish with a lime or orange slice.

Champagne Cocktail

  • Brut champagne
  • Sugar cube
  • 3 dashes of bitters
  • Twist of lemon

Place a sugar cube into a chilled champagne flute, add bitters and pour in champagne. Garnish with lemon twist. 


  • 2oz scotch
  • 2oz ginger ale
  • 2oz club soda

Pour scotch into a glass filled with ice. Top up with ginger ale and club soda. Stir and drink.

Rusty Nail

  • 2oz scotch
  • 1/2oz Drambuie

Pour scotch and Drambuie into a cocktail glass filled with ice. Stir and drink.